Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Well... Long time no blog...
My laptop is broken... so i am stuck with a netbook... it sucks because it is super slow and i haven't even downloaded photoshop yet... i rarely go on fb now because i always messes up my internet :/ not fair, but then again life isn't fair

I'm going to blackpool on Saturday... i cannot wait xD i so love Blackpool, infact i have a hoodie which says 'I [heart] BPL' (BPL stands for BlackPooL btw :P ) I might wear it on the plane over to blackpool... people may think i'm weird but who are they to judge me?? :P hehe

Oh; I want to let y'all know about an awesome competition/giveaway which Liz is holding; -- go on you know you want to :P you can win a .info domain with hosting; a .org domain with hosting or one of 5 blog plugs on :O

